Category: Behind the Scene

Winter Solstice
Winter solstice is December 22nd-ish. What is winter solstice? The short sweet version says it’s the shortest day of the year and the longest night. No other day is as dark as the winter solstice. For most of human history this event was worshiped by almost every culture. But most people on the planet know Read More …

What does an old stump growing twigs have to do with Christmas? Short answer: everything! You’ll notice that the bible is written in pictures… especially the Old Testament. The writers often use objects to describe something rather than words… for example instead of “God is awesome”, they would say, “God is my rock”. So keeping Read More …

It looked more like a condemned construction site attacked by hungry genetically altered velociraptors. The globs of thick cream colored icing oozed out of the cracks of the lopsided dark brown walls made out of thick cuts of gingerbread. Adorning the roof line were sugared gum drops, half eaten candy canes and the remnants of chocolate Read More …

Deer Feet…
A blinding bluish-white light flashed followed by the sudden crash of thunder around us. The black clouds, not far above us, tore open and shot out thick cold drops. This was in contrast to the bright, clear and happy morning in the 5,800 foot mountain air only an hour earlier. Our small group, along with Read More …

The Key to Success
Graduation season has come and gone once again, just as it does every year. Many of us celebrated with both high school and college graduates who are ready to jump out into the world and accomplish their dreams. In the midst of ceremonies, grad parties, and going away parties there is one word that graduates Read More …

Nakey. Stark nude. Strutting around in the middle of a crowded square in the buff with the pride of a peacock. Everyone knows he’s baring all… everyone it seems except for the king who’s decided to greet his subjects, leafless and in his birthday suit. The king’s pride has made him a fool. He’s been told Read More …

Business Mullet
I was basically wearing the clothing equivalent of a mullet… all business up top but a party on at the bottom. I wore a collared shirt and tie with green polyester basketball shorts to work for about a month… sitting at my desk I looked professional to the common onlooker… that is until I stood Read More …

Wild Party
The party was wild. A really, really, really very huge wild party. Horns blasting, people laughing, tons of dancing… then the crowd erupts in gasps and whispers and hushing sounds… someone just arrived. The horn guy is clueless and ends up being the only one still making noise until someone knocks it out of his Read More …

New Shoe
Jen has some nice sneakers. Have you ever stepped in a pile of poop? Can you guess where this is going? Jen’s sneakers were still new… that is until she stepped in a fresh steaming pile of dukie while on a walk in the park. The stuff had smashed into the fine lines and gaping treads Read More …